English version
Date: 11 December 2023
Dear Customers,
Please be informed that the Notice to Customer relating to the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (“Privacy Notice”) has been revised in accordance with the revised Policy Document on Management of Customer Information and Permitted Disclosures by Bank Negara Malaysia which comes into effect on 1 January 2024.
In summary, we have improved the clarity of terms in our Privacy Notice including:
- explanation on purpose of the Privacy Notice and how it affects you;
- explanation on who this Privacy Notice applies to;
- addition of the website URL for Banking Terms and Conditions for our corporate customers;
- to provide a shorter processing period when you request to be removed from our marketing mailing list, which has been updated from 30 days to 7 days; and
- Online Banking has been removed as a channel to request for access to your personal data with us as the system is no longer supported. However, your right to request access remains via the other remaining channels mentioned in the Privacy Notice.
Please be assured that the purpose and scope of our data collection and processing has not changed. As always, the Bank views your personal data and privacy seriously.
The revised Privacy Notice (version December 2023) will come into effect on 1 January 2024 is available at https://www.hsbc.com.my/privacy-and-security/
Jointly issued by:
HSBC Bank Malaysia Berhad (198401015221 (127776-V))
HSBC Amanah Malaysia Berhad (200801006421 (807705-X))
Bahasa Malaysia version
Tarikh: 11 December 2023
Pelanggan yang dihormati,
Harap maklum bahawa Notis kepada Pelanggan berkaitan Akta Perlindungan Data Peribadi 2010 (“Notis Privasi”) telah dipinda mengikut pindaan Dokumen Polisi mengenai Pengurusan Maklumat Pelanggan dan Pendedahan yang Dibenarkan oleh Bank Negara Malaysia yang akan berkuatkuasa pada 1 Januari 2024.
Kami telah merperjelaskan Notis Privasi kami seperti berikut:
- menerangkan tujuan Notis Privasi ini dan bagaimana ianya terkesan kepada anda;
- penjelasan mengenai siapa Notis Privasi ini terpakai;
- meletakkan URL tapak web untuk Terma-terma dan Syarat-syarat Perbankan untuk pelangan korporat kami;
- mengurangkan tempoh pemprosesan daripada 30 hari ke 7 hari apabila anda meminta untuk dikeluarkan daripada senarai mel pemasaran langsung kami; dan
- Perbankan Internet kini tidak lagi beroperasi sebagai saluran untuk meminta akses kepada data peribadi anda yang dipegang oleh kami. Walau bagaimanapun, saluran-saluran lain yang tertera di dalam Notis Privasi kami masih dibolehpakai untuk meminta akses kepada data anda.
Sila yakin bahawa tujuan dan skop pengumpulan dan pemprosesan data kami tidak berubah. Seperti biasa, Bank memandang serius data peribadi dan privasi anda.
Notis Privasi yang dipinda (versi Disember 2023) akan berkuat kuasa pada 1 Januari 2024 boleh didapati di https://www.hsbc.com.my/privacy-and-security/
Dikeluarkan bersama oleh:
HSBC Bank Malaysia Berhad (198401015221 (127776-V))
HSBC Amanah Malaysia Berhad (200801006421 (807705-X))