
Transition Pathways: Transport and Logistics

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In the second instalment of HSBC's Transition Pathways, we’re focusing on the transport sector and taking a look at business sentiment across the air, maritime, road (freight and services), rail and the logistics verticals of the industry. Whilst the sector was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, emissions and demand have returned, especially in emerging markets. Despite the challenges, momentum is building with many businesses in the sector seeing net zero as crucial to commercial growth, driving action to decarbonise their Scope 1 and 2 emissions and embedding new technologies related to electrification and sustainable fuels in their operations and value chains.

Transition plans will become increasingly important and are becoming the new normal in an increasing number of markets, as well as a regulatory and disclosure requirement for both corporates and financial institutions. Transition plans demonstrates action and practical steps against ambition and show regulators, financiers, investors and customers how an organisation intends to reach net zero, often by 2050, across its operations and value chains.

Our net zero ambition means aligning financed emissions – the greenhouse gas emissions of our clients – to net zero by 2050. Our targets include reducing financed emissions from the aviation and automotive sectors.

How is the sector transitioning?

How prepared are transport and logistics businesses for growing consumer, investor and regulatory influences to transition to net zero? What factors are helping or hindering their decarbonisation? With Kantar, we've asked over 300 companies in over 15 markets, what the transition means for their business. (Methodology available below).

Read on to discover how much road, air, sea and logistics businesses are investing and where they are focusing their efforts.



of businesses see net zero as a significant contributor to business growth

Macro drivers


say technology developments are accelerating their transition



are already allocating more than 10% of their capital expenditure towards decarbonisation

Drivers and roadblocks: How are transport and logistics businesses approaching the low-carbon transition?

There is real momentum behind the transport sector’s transition to a lower-carbon future. As businesses put their decarbonisation plans into action, access to finance, investment and strategic advice will be of paramount importance.

Jon Connor | Global Head of Transport, Logistics, Infrastructure and Construction, HSBC

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